Adobe Photoshop Tutorial: Vintage & Retro

Adobe Photoshop Tutorial: Vintage & Retro

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21 responses to “Adobe Photoshop Tutorial: Vintage & Retro”

  1. drezzwanu says:

    so helpful ! Thank you for sharing 😀

  2. kiddpuppy12 says:

    excellent tutorial i will subscribe you for another tutorial!

  3. Grannche GL. says:

    U helping me so much 🙂 thanks man

  4. perth45 says:

    awesome result, but PS is so complicated…..!!!!!

  5. Mexyoskc says:

    I like ur voice xD Thanks for the tutorial:)

  6. Anna Viktoria Banay says:

    wow!!! Thanks for the tutorial! Very helpful! :D

  7. Z0S07657 says:

    Every person on the planet has an accent

  8. zer kv says:

    thank you very much for your helpful tutorials, you make the photoshop easy.

  9. kroodie9 says:


  10. mudersville says:

    You Sir, are a genius. I’ve been trying to get a similar effect in photoshop for ages without realizing just how easy it is. Thank you!

  11. vtorialyn says:

    You are such a fantastic teacher! You go at such a great pace it makes it so easy to follow! Thank you for sharing your knowledge!

  12. erickrealz says:

    You sound funny. :3

  13. morpheus101a says:

    Awesome Stuff!!! Thanks!!!

  14. dianastacklin says:

    you help me alot! 😀

  15. MyMinecraftMail says:


  16. chikifree says:

    thanks now i can be a hipster douce and make all my pics like this
    but seriously good tutorial

  17. ochoaeu says:

    great!! super helpfull, thanks!

  18. DeyanFankyOfficialTM says:

    what is name of this effect in sony vegas?

  19. Luis Mojo says:

    l want your kids!

  20. sibzzyy says:

    Everybody has an accent

  21. EmefemProd says:

    Yeah thanks awesome! 

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