Photoshop Video Tutorial – High Pass Sharpening

Photoshop Video Tutorial - High Pass Sharpening

Using the High Pass Filter to Sharpen Images. By Yanik’s Photo School.
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5 responses to “Photoshop Video Tutorial – High Pass Sharpening”

  1. Kp6986 says:


  2. messiafromm says:

    Excellent! Thank you so much for taking the time to do this! Happy 2012!!

  3. DMDBOTH says:

    A great video BUT I do not like your use of the word ‘erase’. You are not ‘erasing’ you are ‘masking’ and there is a world of difference in Photoshop. I just think that by using the word ‘erase’ it is confusing to those who are being encouraged to learn masking as opposed to the destructive eraser. I know what you mean but many may find it confusing.

  4. BrianReesePhoto says:

    On the masking I find it easier to hold the “alt” key then press the mask button to do an ADD instead of SUBTRACT. This way you’re not brushing all over the image subtracting… you’re touching the areas you need sharpened only.

  5. thomasenrique08 says:

    Very helpfull and easy to understand, great tutorial….

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