After Effects, 3ds Max TUTORIAL – Motion tracking, Matchmoving, Camera Tracking free project files

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Video tutorial posted 17/10/13
Category: 3DS Max Tutorials

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Nice work. Look my video 😉
Thanks for uploading!
thanks for the footageee
☼•*¨*•☼ Good Stuff! ☼•*¨*•☼
Thanks for uploading!
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i WISh i was your cousin 😀
Question for any-one ” IS BOUJO” a popular software to make this type of effect? soorry but I’m new at this.
Ok. Sorry. Must have missed that.
i tried that.. i am also talking about it in tutorial.. it didn´t work in this case.. thanks for stopping by.. cheers
You have to put the apple´s anchor point to bottom not default from center. That is why it is floating and unstable.
Nice! The city looks awesome!
u r welcome.. thx ! 🙂
Amazing work here! Thanks a lot! 🙂