Lightroom Tutorial: Creating a Poster from the Audi R8 Shoot

Lightroom Tutorial: Creating a Poster from the Audi R8 Shoot

Here’s a video on how Scott created a custom poster layout using Lightroom 5 Public Beta for a photo shoot he did with a red Audi R8 a few weeks back. The po…
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14 responses to “Lightroom Tutorial: Creating a Poster from the Audi R8 Shoot”

  1. S00000by says:

    I’m on LR4 and been tearing my hair out with this but have now found On the bottom right of the menu where it says Print Job make sure you tick the “Custom File Dimensions, that way you can enter the dimensions you want, also changed where it says “Print To” and changed it to Jpeg

  2. Jerry Kolnick says:

    OK I am using lightroom 4 and I cannot get the print button to change to Print to file. Any suggestions?

  3. Harry Kemball says:

    Using LR4 Scott – no slot available for custom print sizes. Won’t allow me to save the print-to-file file……access denied. What gives? All measurements are in metric. Pulling my hair out. Tried to follow your logical steps. Hate computers.

  4. Arun Prasand says:

    Scott this is awesome. But just one thing … Photoshop does have a contact sheet feature but it is not so friendly as LR. Anyways thanks for sharing :). I have learnt a lot form all that you do. Thanks a lot

  5. Cindy Jacobs - Longfellow says:

    Priceless! Thanks Scott

  6. Josh White says:

    Fantastic tutorial! Scott Kelby = Legend

  7. rostla13 says:

    Scratch my last comment..I adjusted my settings

  8. rostla13 says:

    He must have rather final version of LR5. The print module doesn’t allow u to select the size. I don’t see 2 buttons

  9. Filip Kowalkowski says:


  10. SuperKennyDude says:

    My favorite photographer + my favorite car! What could be better???

  11. Scorbi72 says:

    Thanks for the nice quick tutorial.

  12. Marlon Cornwell says:


  13. Joe Nonety says:

    Thank you for the quick tutorial. Simple yet so effective.

  14. anatomy10000 says:

    Superb tutorial with some tips to make things understandable.
    Thank you.

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