27 – Introduction to Dreamweaver Tutorial (CS5)

27 - Introduction to Dreamweaver Tutorial (CS5)

Description: If you would like to download this completed website along with the framework and resources used to create the site with Adobe Dreamweaver pleas…

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14 responses to “27 – Introduction to Dreamweaver Tutorial (CS5)”

  1. pavel bogdan says:

    Hello Timothy, I tooked yor pachage and I used your contact form from
    videos “shears design” and I create also a site with that template of you.
    The problem is that, when I test the contact form (I’ve uploaded entire
    project on a real server) instead redirect me to the ‘thank you page’ is
    redirect me to the .php file…(and is not sending any mail ofcourse).This
    is the error I found in my cPanel of my server:

    “[Wed Jan 08 20:31:02 2014] [error] [client] File does not
    exist: /home/xploretr/public_html/administrator
    [Wed Jan 08 20:30:02 2014] [error] [client] File does not
    exist: /home/xploretr/public_html/404.shtml
    [Wed Jan 08 20:30:02 2014] [error] [client] File does not
    exist: /home/xploretr/public_html/favicon.ico.

    Thanks a lot for your tranings, there are the best !

  2. snos84 says:

    Is it possible to use this form with the same .php and .js files on
    different pages on the same website? For example the contact page and the
    index page?
    Is it anything I need to be aware of or do differently?
    On my site I need to add a contact form to the index page as well. Don’t
    want to run into any unexpected problems, so thought it would be smart to
    ask you first. ;)

  3. Diamonddeath says:

    Why isn’t my “Send Message” a button?

  4. Timothy Kywn says:

    Hi, you need to test it on your web host.

  5. Timothy Kywn says:

    in PHP file, did you configure required content? you need to configure
    them first. Also please check with your web server provider to see if they
    accept our scripts.

  6. Vicki Barker says:

    Yes Timothy, I did configure the content on the php file. Also this is
    happening when I am testing the form through internet explorer (it has not
    been loaded onto my web host)

  7. Vicki Barker says:

    I am having trouble getting the form to work also. When I click the ‘send’
    button it asks me if i would like to save the *.php file rather than taking
    me to the ‘thanks’ page. I have tried many of the recommendations listed
    here but am still none the wiser.

  8. Deral Meadows says:

    Thank you for your help and your videos are awesome. I figured out I had
    changed the comments to message and the PHP was looking for comments. As
    said, 1 letter or 1 word can change things. Thanks again,

  9. Timothy Kywn says:

    in PHP file, did you configure required content? you need to configure
    them first. Also please check with your web server provider to see if they
    accept our scripts.

  10. Deral Meadows says:

    Yes I configured the PHP file I just changed the field name in the form
    file to message by mistake and the PHP file was looking for comments. I
    changed the form file to comments and all works fine. Thank you and your
    videos are awesome.

  11. wowfanatics1 says:

    Great videos. Thank you so much for your time in making them. Question –
    how do I add spam protection? Like those letters and numbers you need to
    enter in before you hit submit. I’m on Dreamhost do I need to switch to

  12. pm04sss says:

    I have a similar problem to many here – clicking submit just takes me to
    the blank .php linked page. Also, when test in Dw Live View I don’t get the
    ‘Error – This field needs to be filled in’ signs coming up either. Of note
    I have the framework and am using the jquery version that he is using.
    Hmmmmmm. Anyone come up with any fixes to this as oppose to downloading
    other contact forms? Thanks for any help guys!

  13. onlinedetective says:

    @amyame117 Actually I changed the WIDTH in styles.css (for .submit) to
    190px and that solved the problem for me.

  14. Delroy Young says:

    You are the best. Can u do a PHP series with stuff like Shopping Cart and
    definately blog creation

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