3dsmax Cloth Pillow Tutorial

3dsmax Cloth Pillow Tutorial

http://www.cgroute.com In this tutorial, we will see how we can use 3dsmax cloth to model and animate a pillow. Please find source files on website.

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18 responses to “3dsmax Cloth Pillow Tutorial”

  1. justin dulabahn says:

    This is an awesome little trick here ty.

  2. Wills Perkins says:

    “Woah! Got a pillow” – I couldn’t stop laughing 

  3. chlbrn says:

    Great one, finally there are people doing simulation inside 3ds max without
    using marvelous designer……I am so happy now… 

  4. wafu demet says:

    this video makes me more excited about making pillows, it was fun to
    watch… specially the popping of the pillow using simulate. ^_^ I really
    really like it.

  5. Olga P says:

    thanks! this was great

  6. Liam Barrett says:

    what also really helped about this was that you gave a brief intro onto
    materials, learned a lot just from the handful of things you just did and a
    lot of stuff you did gave me room to explore something useful rather than
    feeling like im constantly looking for a needle in a haystack.

  7. Rajkumar Bhandari says:

    yes it is very good …….thanks

  8. hugo ie says:

    tnx nice tut

  9. jaijo v thomas says:


  10. SkaalAarseth says:

    Hey mate nice tuto, i still have a problem: displace won’t act on vertices
    but on the whole object, which simply move sup and down…

  11. Thanos Kagkalos says:

    3:58 “wooow got a pillow” hahahaha epic mate!

  12. Ruchika Arora says:


  13. krishna das says:

    awesome work dude

  14. Daniel Vela says:

    Great =O! =O! =O!! Thanks

  15. Avinash Pawar says:

    Dude.. pillow bananeke baad cloth modeifier me jaake SET INITIAL STATE
    karde.. matlab tera Pillow ka shape change nahi hoga.. Result milneke baad
    Collapse all bhi kar.. Convert it to Edit Poly. 🙂

  16. Nitramskateboard says:

    Nice work, thanks !

  17. MrMetalbarD says:

    killller thank You 😀

  18. Sabry Abu Yusuf says:

    thank you so much ,, good man

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