Color Correction Part 1 – Lightroom Tutorial

This is part 1 of the video series. This video is a start to finish tutorial on how to quickly correct for the best color using Lightroom before exporting files for post editing. Also see to do this in Photoshop in the second video. Like us on Facebook: See more tips, tricks and product reviews online at
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Video tutorial posted 19/06/12
Category: Lightroom Tutorials
Tags: Color, Correction, Lightroom, Part, Tutorial

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I am in shock, a person who does not go crazy with the lightroom sliders.
Good job. I learned new things by your using the sampler for color adjustment. I’m familiar wtih CS5, but just got into Lightroom 3 last week and am trying to learn it.
You are fucking PRO at editing shots!
lol ok my bad :P
he has both, nef (nikon’s raw) + jpeg
Nice vid but… jpeg? Come on my granny shoots jpeg’s 🙂 Keep it RAW
It doesn’t need to be pure white. What you’re doing with the CWB is telling the camera to disregard the light temperature. Just make sure you photograph something white or gray, it doesn’t have to be pure, closest to the light source. This way you make sure that the camera knows what white is even at the highest light temperature in a given environment. You should have all correct WB unless you shoot something light close to the lights where you would notice some orange or blue.
A custom white balance in-camera along with a camera & lens specific custom profile should get as close to ideal color as possible along with proper exposure. Over exposure will hurt blown out color more than an improper color white balance assuming you are shooting in camera raw. JPEG files with bad color will suffer a loss in image quality while camera raw files will not (within reason). I often shoot 1/3 to 1/2 stop under the metered exposure in order to prevent blown highlights
You could, but how do you know that the wall is pure white? Same goes with a white wedding dress. Often wedding dresses these days are off-white or have UV whiteners which actually photograph with a slight blue hue.
For the custom WB, you can use any white object. You could have just used the walls.
My 5D Mark II allows the addition of tinting the colors (RGB). It will in effect allow me to have a “normal” setting and 2 other tinted pics of the same shot. As u go deeper u lose parts of the color spectrum. Reds go first.
My question is it better to use filters to compensate for the loss of the various color spectrum or or use the camera’s internal settings?
With filters u R stuck with whats in the housing at the start of the dive.
The Meltdownman
Thanks, I did notice that the color of the video is slightly off compared to the actual file, however the idea behind it is the same.