3DS Max Modeling Techniques Tutorial – Level: Intermediate

3DS Max Modeling Techniques Tutorial - Level: Intermediate

Modeling tutorial for intermediate max users. Just some dues and don’ts, fun little model to make because it has a lot of the issues one frequently runs into while modeling.

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12 responses to “3DS Max Modeling Techniques Tutorial – Level: Intermediate”

  1. xbaroka says:

    very bad quality video in HD i see nothing

  2. airsombra says:

    2 thumbs up! Next time please pick a color other than grey please!

  3. KevinHarper3DArtist says:

    Units are important, it effects some materials, predictable depth of field results as well as lighting. You can change it from cm to mm but it is usually a good idea to setup units , fps and rather or not you are using 2.2 linear workflow before you start anything else in your project.

  4. tsviper says:

    are units importan? I know that mechanical drawings in the metric system are in mm. kan you change the uints from cm to mm?

  5. KevinHarper3DArtist says:


  6. FloboFilms says:

    that really helped ! learned a lot of new techniques that will be helpful 🙂

  7. brandontim96 says:

    Thank you for answering my question so quickly. I didn’t realize they had video tutorials for them also. I’ll try it that way.

  8. KevinHarper3DArtist says:

    In Max, anything you can copy you can do so by holding shift and dragging it over. You can try to follow this if you are a beginner but I would recommend doing the 3dsmaxhowtos first. That Chanel covers the beginner stuff very well.

  9. brandontim96 says:

    How did you copy the tree at 4:15? I’m sorry, I’m completely new to this.

  10. KevinHarper3DArtist says:

    Thanx, I think I got it worked out, my latest tutorial on the ReTime tool is good quality so from now on there should be no problem.

  11. DarioRubilovic says:

    Thanks Kevin, great tutorials (MassFX especially)! Btw, i don’t mind the quality at all, if someone wants to learn something the quality really doesn’t need to be Full HD 🙂

  12. KevinHarper3DArtist says:

    Hi Skipper, Thank you. Yes I am trying to figure out how to stop Videopad from interlacing my footage. Sorry. If I figure it out, I will re-upload this video.

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