How to Make a Website Using Fireworks and Dreamweaver Tutorial Part One

How to Make a Website Using Fireworks and Dreamweaver Tutorial Part One In this tutorial series we will use Adobe Fireworks and Dreamweaver to create a basic website. This tutorial series will cover website layout, SEO, CSS, HTML, and hopefully some basic dynamic functions such as logins, user registration and basic CMS.
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24 responses to “How to Make a Website Using Fireworks and Dreamweaver Tutorial Part One”

  1. Karadjordje Trkulja says:

    Windows VISTA? WTF?

  2. storyindustrial says:

    Maybe I should do a series on how to make a site with pages in Fireworks. I haven’t done it because most people just use Fireworks for graphics.

  3. trinimafia001 says:

    did you ever do tuts with layouts done in fireworks? i only see dreamweaver.

  4. storyindustrial says:

    Checkout some of the other videos. I cover layouts pretty in-depth.

  5. trinimafia001 says:

    why do alot of these tuts start out with a layout already made? ever thought we need to learn how to make a layout?

  6. storyindustrial says:

    Its easier to do all the linking once it is exported to Dreamweaver.

  7. chickenbathadult says:

    hi was wondering if someone could tell me how to link 2 pages made in fireworks, for example, the home page has a button to go to the contact page,im going to upload with FTP, but im not shure how to link the pages, would i do it by coding in html or what? please help and thanks 🙂

  8. Felician Galgau says:

    Americanii creeaza website-uri, olandezii construiesc masini zburatoare, italienii fac autostrade moderne…Politia din Romania manipuleaza calculatoarele, intercepteaza telefoanele, manipuleaza oamenii…SISTEM DICTATORIAL FASCIST…tiganii Uniunii Europene

  9. tope531 says:

    awesome video, very helpful! great for beginners like me 🙂 id give it 5 stars but you tube dosnt let us do that anymore.

  10. Esguerra Mary Grace says:

    ,sir no need to answer my question, your video had just help me a lot! big thank you sir,, your video had just solve my problems,haha! thanks a lot sir,,

  11. Esguerra Mary Grace says:

    ,gud eve thanks for your video sir, but i have question for you sir, i am finding it hard to import the buttons that i have created in macromedia fireworks to dreamweaver.. when I import it in dreamweaver with file extension such as .png .gif the popup menu didnt work, it work when i import it as html but the problem is that i cant customize it in dreamweaver.. please help me, thank you, and sorry for my grammar, im filipino and nt so good in english, gud day,

  12. storyindustrial says:

    You are very welcome. Thanks for your comments!

  13. banerinet says:

    Thanks for your fast answer! Really appreciating your help, keep up good work and waiting for more tutorials! Thank You

  14. storyindustrial says:

    Hi, I am pretty sure that you could. I am not familiar with Fireworks CS5. I am going to upgrade soon and do an entire series on it though.

    If you export the item from Fireworks you will have to FTP it to your server with filezilla or some other FTP. It may not optimize that well in search engines because all the text might be exported as an image.

  15. banerinet says:

    Hi, Thanks for all help.

    I have one question about this.
    I am new at this and i see that u have been using dreamweaver to export, i just downloaded adobe fireworks cs5 and i can see option export as css and html.

    Do you know if we can use that to export work straight from fireworks without having to use dreamweaver?

    Thanks alot

  16. TheShadeblade says:

    I personally work for a website that makes websites for people and keeps them updated to your specifications for a REALLY cheap price. You can see our website here:

  17. storyindustrial says:

    I am not sure what you mean by objects? If you hit F12 your canvas should appear in a web browser.

  18. 8ghazale8 says:

    Thanks for your reply 🙂
    and what about not seeing any object in the internet browser?

  19. storyindustrial says:

    For curved and round objects Fireworks will automatically create a rectangle. This is because everything in a slice must be exported out into a table cell.

  20. 8ghazale8 says:

    I see none of my objects in the browser.
    And also about those slices and swap behavior things, what if buttons are curved? I can’t find any swap option for vectors :/

  21. storyindustrial says:

    Yes, the Frames are very handy. In CS4 and CS5 they are called “States”. It is just a naming change, both are exactly the same. I will soon make new videos with a better microphone so hopefully the audio will be up to the Youtube standard. Thank you again for your comment.

  22. mangoprojects says:

    Don’t apologize for thing you did not do it on purpose. You were right about the audio, but it wasn’t that bad. Also, you did not produce it on purpose.

    Anyway, it was a good tutorial. I didn’t know about the ‘FRAMES’ until you shown me.

    Thank you for the hard work.

  23. GxMice says:

    that will only happen if some other company will buy photoshop and fireworks because photoshop is for manipulating pictures and fixing them , while fireworks is for website designing and creating tablets and such things. They are totaly opposite things so that will never happen while photoshop and illustraitor could merge since both all rdy are very simmilar. That would be possible.

  24. storyindustrial says:

    I actually did hear a rumor a few years ago that they were thinking about combining Photoshop and Fireworks. I am pretty sure it was just a rumor though, but who knows? Maybe someday there will be some integration and phasing out of the products.

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