Lightroom 4 Tutorial | Using the Healing and Clone Tools | InfiniteSkills

Lightroom 4 Tutorial | Using the Healing and Clone Tools | InfiniteSkills

Want all of our free Lightroom videos? Download our free iPad app at Learn how to use the Healing and Clone Tools in Adobe Lightroom 4.
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7 responses to “Lightroom 4 Tutorial | Using the Healing and Clone Tools | InfiniteSkills”

  1. meltdownman1 says:

    Well, I glad I came here because I just learned quite a bit. Thank you very much for putting this demonstration together. It was very much appreciated.

    The Meltdownman

  2. shreejan lage says:

    Hi there, do you know “Photo SFXart Tricks” (search on Google for it)? There you can watch a good free video showing the way to create brilliant photos. This helped Daniel to take pictures which have that jaw-dropping-effect while you look at them. Perhaps it will work for you too…

  3. Abdulrahman Alrehan says:

    Holy shit, thats awesome!

  4. TheChristz3 says:

    Photoshop FOR EVER AND EVER!!!

  5. caleb taylor says:

    love it, I struggled with these tools for ages. Setting the tool overlay to AUTO made all the difference. Thanks so much for this tutorial.
    cheers paul NZ

  6. Allan Onderchain says:

    well done and nice pace..just starting to use the program.

  7. jjdphotography says:

    Awesome explanation of the 2 brushes. Many thanks for posting!

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