After Effects Tutorial – Using Mocha (Guy With Funny Talent)

After Effects Tutorial - Using Mocha (Guy With Funny Talent)

After Effects Tutorial that utilizes Mocha for After Effects to show the effect from Final Cut King’s video “Guy With Funny Talent” Send Me Your Responses on…

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25 responses to “After Effects Tutorial – Using Mocha (Guy With Funny Talent)”

  1. thevfxbro says:


  2. Joe Santiago says:

    How do you edit the animation to go with the music? Do you still use after effects???

  3. guysytaccount says:


    Thanks for uploading!


    (or click my name)


  4. Leon Belt says:

    Thanks for such a detailed walkthrough.

  5. OfficialQuddus says:

    or just download the plug in

  6. Raul Couchman says:

    Dude what camera did you use to shoot the video???

  7. prashant kamath says:

    Can I Get The Demo Song??? btw wen its releasing ??? n ur frnds youtube channel……?

  8. prashant kamath says:

    Can i Even Get the Demo of the song??

  9. thevfxbro says:

    its my friends song. not released

  10. prashant kamath says:

    Wats The Song in the Background When U wer introducing???
    To be Exact — frm 0:00 to 0:30 !!! wats the song!! plz 😀

  11. Drophr says:


  12. sobuz hossain says:


  13. Astonisher63 says:

    I have AE CS6 but no mocha. I looked it up but I was going to have to play something like $500

  14. MrAlexandros99 says:

    i can actually do it!!with out after effects

  15. usaviral says:

    SUP I LIke your Channel I run the site I can help you Get more Views… text me via my phone if you want 360.941.9662. hit up my site tho!

  16. Nandu g.s says:

    Please give me the song details…..

  17. Naipalata says:

    it was already open lol ?

  18. DJOzmanMJ says:

    Videocopilot(dot)net, they have 10 free basic tutorials for beginners. check it out!

  19. qdude101 says:


  20. SpellStudio says:

    understood perfectly, Thasks you so  much..

  21. thevfxbro says:

    when you bring a shape into after effects it comes in as a masked solid layer that is already animated usuaslly for rotoscoping. tracking data is simply the positional, rotation, etc, data that can be copied onto and layer but usually a null object.

  22. SpellStudio says:

    I do not understand what is the difference between export shape data and export tracking data? please tell me or help me to understand

  23. EmeraldStudiosInc says:

    Thank You so much

  24. thevfxbro says:

    its probably already on your computer

  25. EmeraldStudiosInc says:

    How do I get mocha for free with after effects Cs 6?
    Please reply!

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