Adobe After Effects CS6 – Creative Slideshow Tutorial!

Adobe After Effects CS6 - Creative Slideshow Tutorial!

Be sure to hit that ‘Like’ button to help me out! πŸ™‚ Hi guys, in this tutorial I’ll be going over a fairly easy way to create a unique and creative slidesho…
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18 responses to “Adobe After Effects CS6 – Creative Slideshow Tutorial!”

  1. BatmanTDK117 says:

    I’m confused on how you move the camera multipleο»Ώ times.

  2. InfuzedMedia says:

    If you look near the bottom left (above your layers), it should have the current frame number there. If you hold CTRL then left click that, it should change to seconds /ο»Ώ minutes and adjust your timeline too.

  3. BatmanTDK117 says:

    Hey. I need help. My timelineο»Ώ is in frames. So it says like: 5f 10f 15f, etc
    I want it to be in seconds so it says 5s 10s instead so can you help me change it?

  4. darfmonkey226 says:

    nice titleο»Ώ

  5. IkeTehSpike says:

    It’s nice to know I’m not the only one who uses scaled solids to makeο»Ώ lines ^_^ Like you said, there’s probably better ways, but this way works just as good =]

  6. InfuzedMedia says:

    Yep, and you’re correct. Just follow the exact sameο»Ώ steps, just with a video πŸ™‚

  7. thomas john says:

    hey mate, is it possible to include videos as well as images within the slideshow?ο»Ώ
    if so, do i just import the videos the same way i did with the photos or is there another way?

  8. guysytaccount says:


    Thanks for uploading!




  9. InfuzedMedia says:

    Youο»Ώ have to keyframe the mask so it stays in the exact same position. So create both your keyframes on the same frames for both the text and the mask, then animate the mask so it appears to be staying on the line.

  10. XcyTheR101 says:

    I made a mask on the text layer, but theο»Ώ mask moves with the text layer from the left to the right. How do i make the mask stay next to the line? Or am I missing something obvious…

  11. Abhishek Pathak says:

    nice tutorial man….
    view my portfolio on my youο»Ώ tube channel:)

  12. InfuzedMedia says:

    Nope, same null object, just use keyframes to animate the camera inο»Ώ different ways. If you’re having trouble with it, I suggest you look up some tutorials for animating a camera in AE.

  13. Nick Hoare says:

    Do I have tooο»Ώ create a new camera every time I want to move?

  14. Prateek Bhattacharya says:

    Hey awesome work!! could you please make a tutorial for the full time clip youο»Ώ showed?
    Thanks πŸ™‚

  15. InfuzedMedia says:

    I’mο»Ώ not sure what you mean sorry. If you just repeat the steps you took to do the first animation, you shouldn’t have any problem doing more.

  16. Snipsey01 says:

    Please respond ASAPο»Ώ πŸ™

  17. Snipsey01 says:

    I get how you had the title, then it shift to the picture (with text 2), but how do you create a third text with null object 1? That might be confusing asking but it’s hard to explain. I cannot create a third text (if able to). After the text 2 slide, I tried to make a third slide, but I cannot because null object 1 is getting in the way.ο»Ώ In order to make a third slide I have to click the stop watch on null object 1 but then the camera stays on the text 2. Please help! Using this for a bio proj.

  18. MrMultiplayerSector says:

    Good tutorial. Thank you!ο»Ώ

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