WordPress Tutorial – eCommerce – Setting Up eShop

Wordpress Tutorial - eCommerce - Setting Up eShop

WordPress ecommerce shopping cart – This tutorial demonstrates the basics of the eShop plugin – a FREE and very handy WordPress plugin that allows you to sel…
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17 responses to “WordPress Tutorial – eCommerce – Setting Up eShop”

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  8. James Stafford says:

    Great info. Thx.

  9. rickysmith2007 says:

    Hey thanks! I couldn’t figure it out, so decided to search it on Google and came across this.
    Now I have the store up…this saved me a lot of time! one again thank you 😉

  10. Felician Galgau says:

    Americani9i creeaza website-uri, olandezii construiesc masini zburatoare, italienii fac autostrade moderne…Politia Satu Mare, Romania…manipuleaza calculatoarele, intercepteaza telefoanele, manipuleaza oamenii…SISTEM DICTATORIAL FASCIST…tiganii Uniunii Europene…GUNOAIE FASCISTE

  11. graphicsociety1 says:

    Thanks for the nice tutorial. Can you please tell me how this shopping cart charge people? does it come with a payment gateway? do we need to make any adjustment to it?

  12. JasonsRealm says:

    should of pressed preview at end…grr

  13. PrimalFireArtistry says:

    The video for this plugin is two years ago ; there have been tons of changes to the eCommerce platform since then.

  14. paulo1149 says:

    This means that products will roll down the main page over time, unless they are “featured”? That’s really far short of what I would need. I’m thinking of products in the right hand column, with normal articles in the main column. But it appears this plugin takes over the main column.

  15. tumnus2112 says:

    That’s really helpful, Kieth. I have been trying to get wp-e-commerce to work but it’s surprisingly glitchy.

  16. batchmister1 says:

    “i live in America so that’s good for me”


  17. nicheprof says:

    Basic information on showing the basics of working with one of the recommended eCommerce WordPress Plug-in Options – eShop

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