Dissolve Into Crows VFX After Effects Tutorial – Part 1

Learn how to create an amazing 3D integration effect of a person dissolving into a murder of crows! This is one of my top requests for VFX tutorials so I fin…
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Video tutorial posted 24/05/13
Category: After Effects Tutorials

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3D Studio Max
i meant for the crows
hi there, could you tell me the name of this software please?
😀 Thank you!
this has to be one of the best vfx tuts on youtube!
🙂 Thank you! I like dark movies/effects. I have not seen Smallville, but will check out Darkseid now 😀
I like the darkness of it, reminds me of Darkseid from Smallville.
😀 Thanks!
You could, but you wouldn’t be able to create the same particle effect as Element 3D isn’t really a particle system but a particle replicator. I love that they added the animated OBJ sequence support, lots more opportunities, but I still do use 3ds Max a fair bit for more complicated set ups. Next version of AE will include a Lite version of Cinema 4D for free and be fully integrated – which I’m very excited about 🙂
I wonder if it’s possible to do this in Element 3D. They’ve recently added support for .obj animation sequences.
I was about to ask that very same question. Blender is the affordable option for many of us.
Glad you enjoyed it 🙂
Awesome work!
Very much what I am doing 🙂
Make more videos 🙂
Thank you, Your video’s are great!
You should be able to 🙂 I haven’t used Blender before, but from what I can tell it should be possible
Can i do this with Blender 3D 🙂
Yes, I still make videos
Are you still make video’s?