Adobe Illustrator Tutorial 2: Creating Realistic Art Immediately

Adobe Illustrator Tutorial 2: Creating Realistic Art Immediately

In this quick tutorial, I show you the very powerful brushes that are inside Illustrator. These brushes allow you to create very quick and realistic art with…

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18 responses to “Adobe Illustrator Tutorial 2: Creating Realistic Art Immediately”

  1. Leyla Avshalomov says:

    some kind of octopus-fish 🙂

  2. BillytheCrayon says:

    It looks like an exploding fighter jet

  3. peregrinecommando99 says:

    No problem!

  4. katiekatie90 says:

    a martian banana!
    Now I know how illustrator works, thanks to your tutorial!

  5. jose rizal says:

    cool tutorial,

    you sound like walter jr. from breaking bad lol

  6. Nicholas Chew says:

    “realistic art”, you say.. how cute

  7. bokibreboki says:

    This is a banana explosion!

  8. peregrinecommando99 says:

    Most interesting thing I’ve heard so far:p

  9. Pip Joy says:

    An organic torpedo that hunts its prey then explodes

  10. Ibraheem Raashed says:

    i think it atype of onion hhhhhh

  11. Ibraheem Raashed says:

    very cool really thanks

  12. WickedWolverine says:

    penis fish braww. ur so awkward and cute, fun tutorial thanks!

  13. BenasenHD says:

    😀 Great tutorial dude!! Trying to learn how to make logos for real now..! Thanks!

  14. peregrinecommando99 says:

    Of course! If someone had a question or anything it needs to be answered :p

  15. BenasenHD says:

    This is so old and you’re still replying to people… wow?!

  16. peregrinecommando99 says:

    Thanks :)

  17. AzizaZyuka says:

    thank you! you’re great!

  18. Regr0wth says:

    I like your sound effects! kujjj kujjjj

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