Learn Lightroom 5 – Part 26: White Balance Correction (Training Tutorial)

Learn Lightroom 5 - Part 26: White Balance Correction (Training Tutorial)

In this, Episode 26 of Learn Lightroom 5 I demonstrate how to correct the white balance in an image. Often, we’re forced to shoot images where the lighting i…
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10 responses to “Learn Lightroom 5 – Part 26: White Balance Correction (Training Tutorial)”

  1. Anthony Morganti says:

    YouTube won’t allow me to reply to you directly Stephen Breen. I hope you
    see this… I just wanted to thank you very much for watching!

  2. Anthony Morganti says:

    Aaron, this crazy new YouTube comment system won’t allow me to answer your
    question… When we warm an image, we’re making the pixels a bit more
    yellow and orange. Since those colors are, in general, brighter colors, the
    image gets brighter overall. 

  3. Patrick McNease says:

    This is an awesome video +Anthony Morganti… thank you for sharing 

  4. Gustavo Donado says:

    Well Tony, all good things come to an end and I just can tell you that have
    very much enjoyed and learned a lot thanks to you. I’ll keep an eye open
    to new chapters of this on-line course to keep learning new things. THANKS
    A LOT for this outstanding material my friend.

  5. Billie Winkle says:

    Anthony, as always this was a great tutorial. But for the first time I am
    finding myself a big confused. When you are doing the white balance
    adjustment are you saying 18% gray or 80% gray? When watching this video I
    am not seeing 18% indicated anywhere, but I am seeing the 80% range at the
    bottom of the white balance box. Thank you in advance.

  6. Elenilson Segura says:

    A saving technique for many of us……White balance here we come to
    correct you…
    Gracias Amigo,

  7. stephen Breen says:

    Anthony, with this being the last episode of your lightroom series i wanted
    to say a big thank you i have learned tons just watching your videos and
    you have brought my photography to the next level, from being a bad
    photographer to a bad photographer who knows lightroom 😀 Now to follow
    your photoshop CC series …
    Again thank you very much every episode was informative and well presented 

  8. Aaron Bobeck says:

    Why does warming up the image also seem to make it brighter?

  9. Vidar Reiersen says:

    Love your video, thank you :-)

  10. GoingSkateboarding says:

    please invest in a pop filter for your mic. great tutorial thought :)

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