Learn Lightroom 5 – Part 26: White Balance Correction (Training Tutorial)

In this, Episode 26 of Learn Lightroom 5 I demonstrate how to correct the white balance in an image. Often, we’re forced to shoot images where the lighting i…
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Video tutorial posted 26/02/14
Category: Lightroom Tutorials

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YouTube won’t allow me to reply to you directly Stephen Breen. I hope you
see this… I just wanted to thank you very much for watching!
Aaron, this crazy new YouTube comment system won’t allow me to answer your
question… When we warm an image, we’re making the pixels a bit more
yellow and orange. Since those colors are, in general, brighter colors, the
image gets brighter overall.
This is an awesome video +Anthony Morganti… thank you for sharing
Well Tony, all good things come to an end and I just can tell you that have
very much enjoyed and learned a lot thanks to you. I’ll keep an eye open
to new chapters of this on-line course to keep learning new things. THANKS
A LOT for this outstanding material my friend.
Anthony, as always this was a great tutorial. But for the first time I am
finding myself a big confused. When you are doing the white balance
adjustment are you saying 18% gray or 80% gray? When watching this video I
am not seeing 18% indicated anywhere, but I am seeing the 80% range at the
bottom of the white balance box. Thank you in advance.
A saving technique for many of us……White balance here we come to
correct you…
Gracias Amigo,
Anthony, with this being the last episode of your lightroom series i wanted
to say a big thank you i have learned tons just watching your videos and
you have brought my photography to the next level, from being a bad
photographer to a bad photographer who knows lightroom 😀 Now to follow
your photoshop CC series …
Again thank you very much every episode was informative and well presented
Why does warming up the image also seem to make it brighter?
Love your video, thank you :-)
please invest in a pop filter for your mic. great tutorial thought :)