Dreamweaver Tutorial- JQuery Horizontal Animated Menubar

Dreamweaver Tutorial- JQuery Horizontal Animated Menubar

Dreamweaver Tutorial- Animated Menu bar using JQuery ui switch class I have used very simple css and copy pasted the jquery that you can get from my website …
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16 responses to “Dreamweaver Tutorial- JQuery Horizontal Animated Menubar”

  1. kansascitycomputers says:

    thanks Mohit…you are a great teacher..smooth
    voice..calm..confident..concise…I may use you in some projects that I
    have if you do contract work. I respect a person that takes time to teach
    others. Most people in the world don’t have any consideration for anybody
    but themselves and this is why the world is the way it is.

  2. kansascitycomputers says:

    I have discovered that with working code and programming for a number of
    years that I get to a section of dreamweaver and it goes slow then I get to
    something I know and then skip way ahead to learn something else new. Flash
    will be my next endeavor.The videos are great.

  3. shain2501 says:

    No comments?

  4. Mohit Manuja says:

    nope …dw is a complete web authoring tool..lot better than most others i
    have used ..and its not always about coding here..for example widget
    browser..spry functionality…form creation and validation…makes life so
    simpler…how abt fluid grid layouts and media queries …i beg to differ i
    don’t quite agree with you

  5. Mohit Manuja says:

    Dear Akbar i have been teaching online and offline since many years
    now..pls do visit my website for details.

  6. Prince Soni says:

    You are really amazing man damm amazing damm …damm amzing…Hope you make
    a lot more tutorials

  7. 2diefor8694 says:

    This a a very impressive tutorial . pls keep up the good work

  8. Ping Pong says:

    Please can you add a video on adding a drop-down section.

  9. sanjay yadav says:

    awesome guys

  10. Akbar Faridz says:

    really before i watch this video , i’m blind about design of web. but now i
    clearly know. if you Create online class i’ll being first your student. :D.

  11. kansascitycomputers says:

    all of what is going on has been predicted in the Bible. Bible prophecy has
    been 100% accurate. It is a bit off the subject of Dreamweaver but is true
    statement nonetheless.

  12. Scott Hansen says:

    Great explaination. For some reason I have two problems. 1 – I have a space
    between the menu items and 2 – my animation does not work. I get no errors
    with DW on the hand written code and the menu bar renders just fine but the
    swithclass animation does not work. What’s the usual suspects of where I
    may have gone off track? Thanks

  13. kansascitycomputers says:

    you are right..nuclear destruction right around the corner…evil people in
    power of the governments. I just live in US..I don’t have no say or input
    about anything that goes on. This can be said of most citizens in countries

  14. kansascitycomputers says:

    Hi Mohit! You are a great teacher! Very knowledgeable about Dreamweaver. I
    have learned quite a bit. Maybe you could write a book or something.

  15. Mohit Manuja says:

    i think u r amused at why there are no comments ..well u were the first one
    ..w/o actually commenting

  16. HJ Freund says:

    It’s really astonishing how much time you need to create such a simple menu
    bar in Dreamweaver. I’ve always thought that DW is a WYSIWYG-software, but
    following your instructions I can actually not see what I get. All I can
    see is that much code writing and in order to check what you’ve created you
    always switch between DW and your browser. So what’s DW good for if I am as
    good at code writing as you are? Then any text editor would be plenty
    enough to create a web site.

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