HTML5 and CSS3 Beginner Tutorial 15 – CSS box model, padding

HTML5 and CSS3 Beginner Tutorial 15 - CSS box model, padding

In this video I explain what the CSS box is and how you will start using it to style your websites. I also start explaining how to set the padding property i…
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9 responses to “HTML5 and CSS3 Beginner Tutorial 15 – CSS box model, padding”

  1. Sadaham Ranawake says:

    you are really cool sir! thank you again, I learned a lot

  2. Iron Mike says:

    It won’t change the background of my header. I have 5 headers so i’ve tried
    to change the bg of h1 and i wrote the same thing in CSS like you did but
    still nothing. I’ve also tried with other headers…

  3. EMR80 says:

    As a Graphic Designer transferring to Web designer,Thank you for clear
    explanation on this confusing topic. I wish I would seen your video a long
    time ago to say the lease.

  4. Armand Mahieu says:

    “I love my subscribers!” Kiss ass 😀 But great video’s! I learn a lot from
    them all

  5. Giorgi Kuchava says:

    Thank you *Mr.ProgrammersCreed* I love my HTML5/CSS3 teacher too.

  6. FLICENTER says:

    not bad

  7. Remco Bakker says:

    Flexbox is very usable nowadays. No reason not to use it. Unless you really
    care about old browsers…who does anyways?:)

  8. Programmers Creed says:

    I’ll give you a bro-fist for that comment. *bro-fist*

  9. twistedsoul says:

    This was not the box model I was looking for, but I watched it anyway. Nice
    wee tut, a like & a sub to you sir, will check out your others. I was
    looking for this sexy beast of a box model. 🙂 watch?v=-OubGOxKa5I

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