Minecraft 60 Sec Tutorial: Hidden Fireworks Launcher/ Weather Control Device

Minecraft 60 Sec Tutorial: Hidden Fireworks Launcher/ Weather Control Device

A completely conceiled hidden firework launcher that also functions as weather control device. Worldfile: http://www.mediafire.com/?3xkc3vmek34x7x9 ———…

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23 responses to “Minecraft 60 Sec Tutorial: Hidden Fireworks Launcher/ Weather Control Device”

  1. Octopus says:

    Haha XD

  2. MrCole63 says:


  3. Craftman368 says:

    But does it work in 1.3.1??

  4. xThatDudeWhoKillsx says:

    Bro u go FAST

  5. jtjpeewee says:

    yes he does

  6. AngeloTheBestGamer says:

    Je bent awesome Cube XD

  7. kavilhas1 says:

    ty 😀

  8. DarklightCavecrew says:

    Wow, so fast. They need to add a slow motion button for this.

  9. camonater62 says:

    does it work in 1.3.1

  10. Shadowstrikerx10 says:


  11. geejaytwist6 says:

    Best tutorial EVERRRR!!

  12. Matthew Baskerville says:

    its a joke it starts to rain at the end of the video

  13. benjamaster7 says:


  14. Luke Davidson says:

    What about now that the update came out? (for xbox)

  15. benjamaster7 says:


  16. Matthijs van Dijk says:

    Doesn’t work in 1.3.1 I guess. The piston holding the surface block doesn’t
    get retracted by the other pistons..

  17. STAMPUNCH says:


  18. Oli4vn says:

    And it started raining….

  19. Leo blue says:

    play pause play pause play pause play pause play pause play pause play
    pause play pause play pause play pause play pause play pause play pause
    play pause play pause play pause play pause play pause play pause play
    pause play pause play pause play pause play pause play pause play pause
    play pause play pause play pause play pause play pause play pause play
    pause play pause play pause play pause play pause play pause play pause
    play pause play pause play pause play pause play pause play pause play

  20. Jackson McKagan says:

    your so loved

  21. youngleaf17 says:

    If you add a pressure plate could it be a mine of some sort?

  22. Cubehamster says:

    Was more ment as a joke. Started raining the moment I fired the TNT at the
    end of the video.

  23. Carlos Figueroa says:

    it dint work with me

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