Photoshop Makeover Tutorial – Intermediate CS4 Walk-Through [In-Depth]

Photoshop Makeover Tutorial - Intermediate CS4 Walk-Through [In-Depth]

Photoshop makeover tutorial giving you an in-depth complete walk-through on editing your portraits. This tutorial covers removing skin blemishes and brighten…

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13 responses to “Photoshop Makeover Tutorial – Intermediate CS4 Walk-Through [In-Depth]”

  1. Ar3syom4ik says:

    thank you

  2. TheYperionGR says:

    @TutorVidCom haha, anyway helpfull video, thanx.

  3. MajikUnicawn says:

    D: Mai Photoshop Trial Ended…. :C

  4. TheYasmine12 . says:

    Why always remove freckles ?They’re nice.

  5. dedicatedsimulations says:

    i love you thankyou so much!

  6. Ajay Nadar says:

    what camera do they used to capture this picture?

  7. TutorVidCom says:

    @MyBilal1997 Camtasia

  8. deathflyer10 says:

    isnt it better to take a picture self?

  9. NextWebTV says:

    @TutorVidCom I agree your tuts are fantastic.

  10. Linken Slåtta says:

    How do i zoom?

  11. PersianChiick says:

    putting make up on make up.. nice (;

  12. KezzfromOz says:

    Fantastic techniques, easy to follow tutorial. Well done, thanks for

  13. TootsiePopluver12 says:

    Wow, that’s cool!! I’m going to experiment on celebrity pics now! XD -Thank

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