Responsive WordPress Theme Tutorial – Part 13 – Advanced Custom Fields

Responsive WordPress Theme Tutorial - Part 13 - Advanced Custom Fields

Learn how to use the basic functionality of the Advanced Custom Fields plugin to add custom data fields to our custom post type. Music by DeceasedSuperiorTec…
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19 responses to “Responsive WordPress Theme Tutorial – Part 13 – Advanced Custom Fields”

  1. John LaFosse says:

    Is there another way to do this by adding the function create_post_type
    into a plug-in instead of the theme function.php? I understand that adding
    to the plug-in is a “better” way to handle it.

  2. Carlos Fonseca says:

    Austin, you’re a legend mate! thanks!

  3. sweeball says:

    I’ve just completed Responsive WordPress Theme Tutorial – Part 13 and would
    like to say you have done an amazing job of teaching WordPress Theme
    development so far. I really think that you should rename the channel
    “Awfully Good Media”!!! Thanks Austin.

  4. John LaFosse says:

    I watched this tutorial 24 hours ago without watching the previous video.
    After pulling my hair out I reverted to the previous video and even though
    editing the function.php in my theme did not work for me as well as
    creating a post type template with adding fields with php function this
    tutorial worked for me. It is an advanced topic. and you did this very
    well. The php is still shaky for me seeing I spent too much time learning
    Drupal and running into really complicated disasters with moderate success,
    I’ve found wordpress wonderful to work with not that one is better than the

  5. AwfulMedia says:

    Well, we’re jumping a bit ahead of the videos, but I’ll do my best to
    explain it here. When you create a custom post type, you will have to
    define the fields you want it to support. Since we did not define any
    fields, only the title and textarea are there. This is normal. In our post
    type, under ‘rewrite’, place: ‘supports’ => array(‘thumbnail’,
    ‘something_else’, ‘and_so_on’) with the quotes. We’ll get to this, don’t
    worry! Austin

  6. Erique Graves says:

    Haven’t forgot about you man hope you haven’t forgotten us

  7. oDJOldskull says:

    Thank you very much ! I’ll check that out ! I’ve ordered myself a book for
    PHP and by far all seems to be clear for me 🙂 And about Twitter Bootstrap,
    I heard that it speeds up the work as it comes with pre-made css and a
    couple of other things i gues. Cool that someone thought about it.

  8. AwfulMedia says:

    It may seem I’ve forgotten, but I definitely have not. I am behind on
    emails, messages, comments, and videos. I am setting up to record as I
    write this comment – we’re about to get back on track!

  9. nippermh says:

    Have you done a video on action hooks? Would love to know about this.

  10. TheShadowPX says:

    phpacedemy did a great tutorial series on boostrap. You can watch it here

  11. AwfulMedia says:

    I have missed quite a few legitimate questions and I wish I could answer
    them all. There’s just no way, but I try. 🙂

  12. Owen Prescott says:

    Is it possible to add the field to all user account signups? This is for
    sales using Woocommerce.

  13. Defrian Afdi says:

    Hi mate, Great tutorial. Really hoping you to throw more vids. Cheers

  14. Magnus Johansson says:

    Awesome tutorial!

  15. AwfulMedia says:

    This plugin will be able to add check boxes to the backend, but for a front
    end system you may want to search for another plugin. If you’re just
    wanting a rating system, you have plenty to choose from. GD Star Rating
    comes with a star and thumb rating system and some nice widgets to display
    some data in a sidebar.

  16. Dominic Francois says:

    Thanks so much! Love these tutorials very easy to follow.

  17. Гоце Пасковски says:

    how i can put thumbnail navigation on flexslider?

  18. voodazz says:

    Great series so far! I’m really looking forward to the part when you make
    the other elements of the site responsive (index posts, side bare etc). I
    would really love to be able to do that!

  19. Yashu Cheng says:

    Can these custom fields adds check boxes?.. like I want people to rate
    under checkbox rather they enjoyed my post or not… is this plugin that
    powerful to add that? 😀 thanks austin! new to your tutorials but loving
    every bit 🙂

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