Photoshop tutorial: making text photo with Angelina Jolie’s head-shot

Photoshop tutorial: making text photo with Angelina Jolie's head-shot

I have tried to demonstrate how to make a picture with thousands of words, it easy than it sounds, I would rate the skill level needed with Photoshop to do t…
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15 responses to “Photoshop tutorial: making text photo with Angelina Jolie’s head-shot”

  1. logongod says:

    try making something cool on photoshop, watch and share everyone

  2. Sayed Esmail Ahmadi says:

    Hi! I’m already looking for a program But I can not find it.I’ve downloaded
    many applications but none were not responsive ,I am looking for a program
    that can convert images to text.Maybe you’ll think I’m looking for ASCII
    art app ,This is not.I have noticed that I’m looking for what kind of

  3. Lana Jelena says:

    i lost at 5:19 after alt + click,then how did u change the white layer into
    jolies negative………..plss someone help me

  4. Ernesto Perez says:

    Thank you very much.

  5. Joey'sGaming Time says:

    DUDE in 0:38 -0:40 what the hell are you saying crt c and then crt che??
    what ???

  6. Princess Of The Sip says:

    Great tutorial! Gave me an idea for my EP cover!

  7. Novice Sim says:

    Ask a question over here: I know that painting later mask with black means
    clearing out the text, but what i dont understand is painting the layer(the
    text layer), it will show the original model. why is it that?

  8. yesh wanth says:

    How to copy the pic aftr pressing the alt in layer 3

  9. Jaanu Suresh says:

    and yeah! its wow and yu made t so easy.. m gonna work on this now 😉
    thankyu!! :)

  10. Patricia Abu says:

    I was initially following a 35min tutorial. well presented in 9 mins. I
    just just stopped at define preset brush, read the solution from Mary Wald.

  11. Lyrics says:

    thank u , it worked for me:)

  12. Lakshman Chinni says:

    thanxxxxxxxxx dude

  13. leander jigme says:

    best computer ever

  14. Milan Guragain says:

    no need of ctrl+c just ctrl+j

  15. CorbleFruitJube says:

    i cant hear you

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