Learn CSS (Tutorial) – Basics + Selectors (For Absolute Beginners)

Learn CSS (Tutorial) - Basics + Selectors (For Absolute Beginners)

In this video we learn how to add basic styles to a page with CSS. You can also view this same lesson material in written form: learnwebcode.com learnwebcode.com learnwebcode.com Topics covered in this video: Linking to an external style sheet CSS Syntax Type Selectors ID Selectors Class Selectors Descendant Selectors
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16 responses to “Learn CSS (Tutorial) – Basics + Selectors (For Absolute Beginners)”

  1. mattezooyork says:

    I thougt this was a counter strike tutorial xD

  2. zoey zhang says:

    Great video!! Very clear and to the point. I am so glad I found this channel. By they way, I am looking into being a web developer while working full time. Any suggestions?

  3. JobiStudios says:

    Great tutorial. everything explained very well. Gives you that “oh my god, I got it!” feeling.

  4. jackolsz says:

    i clicked this video thinking it was for countersike hahaha

  5. foryoutoenvy says:

    thanks, I skimmed through the comments and found what I was looking for.

  6. foryoutoenvy says:

    I tried it and I got all the way to Learning CSS and this is a paragraph but it didn’t change the color is it because I’m using notepad?

  7. missmarie273 says:

    Tried it and it didn’t work at all.

  8. missmarie273 says:

    I thought it looked pretty simple until I tried it exactly as stated and it didn’t work.

  9. missmarie273 says:

    So helpful! Very thorough detail-oriented instruction. Thx.

  10. ChattyBrain says:

    Thanks for this … really useful for beginners like me.. clear and simple!

  11. Southernbikerguy says:

    Hit on a snag, following your step by step guide, typed (in style.css) text-align: center; then saved and refreshed the open webpage… nothing happened… any advice welcome.
    I am on vista and using notepad. regards.

  12. DayDreamAscent says:

    It’s so much easier to follow this through the medium of video than it is reading reams of web pages, cheers for the upload, LearnWebCode

  13. Camixcs13 says:

    can you give me your text editor’s name , please ?????????
    wtf vid thx ..

  14. Grannymuncher says:

    Well done video, nice!

  15. mehru39 says:

    awsome work dude….
    Can u give me the exact link of next lesson.???????

  16. cozkiz says:

    what sofware do you use

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