Photoshop Video Tutorial – Soften Skin with Surface Blur

Photoshop Video Tutorial - Soften Skin with Surface Blur

Soften Skin with Surface Blur and comparing it to the Gaussian Blur Technique
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12 responses to “Photoshop Video Tutorial – Soften Skin with Surface Blur”

  1. CKCzut08 says:

    sounds like sips from the yogscast?

  2. Siuqitobor says:

    What did you have to edit in this girl`s skin, again?

  3. casanova1135 says:

    this is true for this image, but i do see his point i used this on a photo of an older woman without perfect skin and it had a similar affect of course there was other editing involved but that is what photoshop is all about, a collaboration of editing effects =D

  4. psychoVivi says:

    the best method is still the one with the gaussian blur and a layer mask…

  5. sEzNaJkA says:

    Hey.. Would somebody tell me why i can’t erase with my eraser?! .. So I when just click on the eraser and then click on the picture it paints me my picture :S

  6. 0rlantho says:

    thanks for the tip!!

  7. Matteo Prezioso says:

    well done, now she’s an object, not anymore a person.

  8. kuucina16 says:

    i love that woops @ 5:05 😀

  9. derekpeters04 says:

    check out my photoshop tutorial.

  10. Mc IcePick says:

    thanks for the lesson man

  11. pakistan713 says:

  12. hamooodi911 says:

    thanks for this great lesson

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