3D Minecraft Tutorial – 3D MinecraftTutorial – Minecraft Fire Lighting Part 3 of 3

In this tutorial i show you how to add a slight glow form the fire and how to animate it and i also show you come other lighting tips. Miencraft Fire Lines At the Top Quick Fix Video: youtu.be —————————————————————- Twitter: twitter.com Facebook: www.facebook.com My Other Channel: www.youtube.com —————————— If any of these tutorials helped you out and you create any awesome minecraft videos, please mention my channel I would be eternally grateful 🙂 —————————– Previous Tutorial [–]:
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Video tutorial posted 15/12/12
Category: 3DS Max Tutorials

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I don’t think so, the fire uses P flow, Maya has a Particle system but it’s not the same as 3ds max it probably wont recognize and convert the 3ds max P Flow to maya, and the grass uses a bend modifier which probably wont convert over either.
Hey, I’m more experienced in maya, but if I use these tutorials can I import the work into maya? Ie. fire and moving grass
Good idea i’ll add that to my list Thank you for the suggestion.
1. mmmm i’m no good at animating and lighting lava seems quite simple just use a omni light near it.
2. i’m uploading the first in a series of mob tutorials
3. Water, good idea ill add that to the list also
4. i could do that also.
Thanks for the suggestions
You forgot rain buddy.
Please make a torch fire tut as well! It would be awesome!
Is it possible to make a rig out of the biped thingy? not the bone though…
is this model to scale to your minecraft character because fire is the same size as a minecraft block and i found out that a block for the size of the minecraft character you made to be “40” by “40”
Nice! Now here is a list I think me and a lot of other people would find helpful because there aren’t any tutorials online and you would be the first:
1. Animating and lighting Lava
2. Making Skeletons and Enderman
3. Animating and making water look better.
4. The best and fastest render settings.
Thanks for everything you did so far keep it up!
Thanks you helped me with everything! Thanks to you i can finally start animating so I’m gonna send you my creations!!!