Excel Tutorial – SUMIF function

Today I show you how to use SUMIF to analyse your data. Ever needed to add things together based on category? Have two columns but only want the total of column two where x = “something”? This is for you. Works in Excel 2003 and Excel 2007
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Video tutorial posted 01/01/13
Category: Excel Tutorials

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yeah very helpful and clear i needed a simple example to understand the formula and this did it
Great work. i appreciate your effort, this unlock my understanding at first sight.
Thanks Nick..its nice hearing another Aussie and wow I just learnt how to SUM IF !!!!!!!!!!
Thanks that was great!
got my igcse ict mocks coming up and this was really useful!!! thanks!!
sorry, your voice is too slang I can’t understand some of the words you say, it seems to me that you murmuring something.
Heartfelt thanks!!
Oh shit, my houn size is at an all time high thanks to this video. HOUN SIZE PULLETH!
Very helpful ! Many thanks !!!
OMG, thank you so much for posting this video. It really helped me 😀