Excel 2007 Tutorial 4 – Calculations Functions and Formulas Part 2 of 2 – SchoolFreeware

Excel 2007 Tutorial 4 - Calculations Functions and Formulas Part 2 of 2 - SchoolFreeware

www.schoolfreeware.com This video tutorial shows hows to use calculations functions and formulas. The functions demonstrated are the Sum ( AutoSum ), Average ( Mean ), Median, Minimum ( Min ), Maximum ( Max), Power ( Exponential ), and the Square Root ( SQRT). The syntax of the functions will also be shown. A Decimal, Octal, Hexadecimal, and Binary conversion sheet will be created. – Hope this helps users in computer science classes – ( Dec, Hex, Oct, Bin ) – ( Dec2Hex, Dec2Oct, Dec2Bin )

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12 responses to “Excel 2007 Tutorial 4 – Calculations Functions and Formulas Part 2 of 2 – SchoolFreeware”

  1. oOPlay2KillOo says:

    Brilliantly clear and informative! Great job!

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  3. kilroy347 says:

    Thank you very much (=

  4. Eskin Pryce says:

    this is nice actually

  5. xBlueRobot says:

    CamStudio Recorder 😉

  6. MrMoshiMonster1 says:


  7. gemma atkinson says:

    where is part one?

  8. Kamil Aliyev says:

    ee sagol ee kiwi adamsan…ozde deyileer o terefler kiwi vaanwe azdi haa ..tak chto komplemet dedim de sene

  9. EdwardSavicheva says:

    Merci beaucoup!

  10. Mathias2k5 says:

    Square rut

  11. TheFearlesslion says:

    very useful, thanks so much.

  12. Max Melnik says:

    thanks :)

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