PHP Tutorials: jQuery: Get data from MySQL Database without refreshing

PHP Tutorials: jQuery: Get data from MySQL Database without refreshing

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23 responses to “PHP Tutorials: jQuery: Get data from MySQL Database without refreshing”

  1. Delroy Young says:

    First time I have every seen the Java Concept Like this. I could get to like this. Thank you soooooo!! much

  2. Amaury Ayala says:

    can someone help me? i need to pull data from the database without refreshing or using intervals because that uses a lot of network resources,i want it to pull data when the tables data is in someway changed please help 🙂

  3. Putra Bagus says:

    thank you so much, really helpful

  4. Ah Ram Yoon says:

    thanks. This was very helpful for me.

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  7. Kristaps Jaremčuks says:

    What if I want to process data not from data.php but from same file?
    In php it would be action=”” (blank) instead of action=”data.php”. Is this possible?

  8. Avsr Reddy says:

    you did a great job thank a lot

  9. Matthew Finger says:

    -behaviour (Javascript) is separated from presentation (HTML)
    -no mixing of languages
    -you’re using a javascript framework like jQuery that can handle most cross browser issues for you
    -You can add behaviour to a lot of HTML elements at once without code duplication

  10. mattonm says:

    Thanks for the tutorial Alex. This is all new to me. I have a form with a table containing several textboxes and I want to populate them when I fetch the record. Watching your video gave me the idea of filling in the cells of the table using div, instead of trying to put the record data in the textbox. I’m going to try that. Thanks again!

  11. sifah31 says:

    Great tutorial, Thank you.

  12. teunissenstefan says:

    Are you smart? Because you are really dumb -.-

  13. mikethk says:

    Whats to understand? Just copy/paste

  14. NerdrageOfficial says:

    If only you actually knew what you were doing, then it would.

  15. HelloQro says:

    i think you can return an array from data.php and then do a foreach in the jquery that show every result from the array.

  16. teunissenstefan says:

    Wish i could understand that :S

  17. prashjad says:

    Hi Alex
    what if I want to add one more variable in $.post(‘login.php’,{},
    I am trying to make login.

  18. tdownwa says:

    I played around with this and answered my own question. Anyone needing the answer hit me up.

  19. tdownwa says:

    If your data has duplicate names (example 2 alex’s) but different ages (example age 20 and age 21) how can you display both during your search?

  20. mbarizia says:

    yeah that would me more friendly code.

  21. ChrisPBacon2010 says:

    I am messing around with some code and trying to make a messenger, I have all working only I need to know what the best way to loop the function to update the content instead of having to click a button every time?

  22. amit mahajan says:

    You should use some meaningful names rather than get form etc. High probability that there will be name clash.

  23. amit mahajan says:

    You have a cool browser !

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