3Ds Max Tutorial – 22 – Using Trajectories

How to use trajectories.
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Video tutorial posted 19/03/13
Category: 3DS Max Tutorials
Tags: Trajectories, Tutorial, Using

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i learned after effects,premiere pro and 3ds max from your tutorials. now i will move to android. 🙂
Somebody doesn’t like getting told no.
Hey !
thenewboston bro.
Its a warnig to you. plz do more and more tutorial of 3ds max , otherwise i will kill you.
Do you wanna die ! ? I dont think so. plz plz plz …
please do more 3Ds max tutorials PLEASE! i learned 3ds max from you!
You are the best thank you 🙂
thanks newboston… ive downloaded all your 3dsmax videos…
Thank you very much, I saw the 22 tutorials and learn awesome things. Never use 3DMax nor any 3D software before and now I’m able to do basic but just very amazing things.
MORE TUTUORIALS… Would be cool if you could make like a logo or something?
Plz Upload More tutorials your all tutorials of 3ds max are Awesome…………… plz upload some flash animation and drawing animations….. 🙂
how come great free training vids get a thumbs down I don’t get it lol
Just like to Thank u dude for all your vids Iv learnt a fair bit in 3 days look 4ward to the next lot please keep the vids up so I can refer back to them Thanks again keep up the good work
Bucky make new tutorials don’t stop u have talent
i actually learnd a hell lot from this series bucky thanks a lot mate;)
i know its a vid from 2010 but i wish you could make more advanced tutorial on how to model i couldnt find any one that will teach you about the tools like you do
Yes .. thanks for all lessons teacher .. you have a new subcribe ,,;::!