3D Minecraft Tutorial – Import MC World Into 3DS MAX

3D Minecraft Tutorial - Import MC World Into 3DS MAX

In this tutorial i will show you how to import a Minecraft world into 3DS MAX Java Program Link: http://code.google.com/p/j-mc-2-obj/ Please like Subscribe A…
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21 responses to “3D Minecraft Tutorial – Import MC World Into 3DS MAX”

  1. BioNova Gaming says:

    When I try to Import it does what hapened with the enderchest only with

  2. Ricioz96 says:


  3. Luigi's Pizza Shack says:

    im an idiot

  4. joni boni says:

    🙁 on the the first link page there was a new link… but at the second
    page the download link doesn’t work :(

  5. Luigi's Pizza Shack says:

    the water wont either

  6. Luigi's Pizza Shack says:

    I rendered the image but none of the leaves rendered

  7. JavaCraft MC says:

    i don´t have the manssage

  8. Elijah Wasson says:


    If you have tried opening it with Java Binary and that didn’t work and you
    tried EVERYTHING else and it still didn’t work, follow these steps:

    1. Go to your computer and right click on My Computer.
    2. Click on Properties
    3. A new window should come up now. At the right-bottom area of the new
    window, click on the Environmental Variables.
    4. Scroll down in the scrolling box until you see Path or PATH.
    5. Double click the Path and a small window should pop up.
    6. Don’t change the title!
    7. Go to C:Program FilesJava and open up your java folder (may look like:
    8. Go to the Bin folder inside the jrX folder.
    9. Right click on the address bar of the Bin folder up at the top and
    select ‘Copy’
    10. Go back to step 5 and delete the location
    11. Paste in the copied/new location
    12. Now close everything and try opening the jMc2Obj-dev_rXXX.jar file with
    Java Binary… it should work now :)

  9. Ender Animations says:

    Slamacow has

  10. DaIvanplenca says:

    Bro, you should use Fraps to record your Desktop or ANYTHING. 🙂 IT’s the
    best recording program ever made. 🙂 Get it! 😀

  11. CrashBandiSpyro12 says:

    I managed to fix it thank you, do you have skype by any chance? if you do
    please PM me your skype because I want to ask you few questions about

  12. mcmikecreations says:

    my grass and torches still have black sides. what shall i do?

  13. Mad Captain Jack says:

    I have a problem with load huge minecraft map (out of ram memory) Can i do
    something to reduce that usage of ram ? I want to render video where i show
    map 1500x1500x256.

  14. Егор Кулёв says:

    Ok. It work! But the grass is normal or translucent or opaque in her
    background. Same with flowers, wheat, watermelons, and other =(

  15. Robert Miller says:

    If you add a bump map or bake the textures and then use mental ray it will
    be amazing! Oh add a sky! It looks amazing!

  16. CrashBandiSpyro12 says:

    Please help 🙁

  17. RedhotIta1 says:

    Jesus Christ dude, i just asked if he knew anything about Importing to
    minecraft, why you attacked me like that?! I don’t see the “need” of saying
    retarded to a person. Also i doubt you’ll do an animation only with this

  18. EarthToMaverick says:

    i dont know how to download 3d max

  19. The3DSMAXChannel says:

    My next tutorial will show you how to, i am currently going though the
    process of partnership so i have to wait for that get finalized so
    shouldn’t be to long 😛

  20. The3DSMAXChannel says:

    Re-scale the world, if you import something like a world i usually scale it
    up 3000x3000x3000 and if you wont a minecraft block using a box its

  21. The3DSMAXChannel says:

    No sorry as far as i know the importer does not recognize the tekkit
    objects so it can’t bring them into 3ds max,

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