Tutorial Photoshop CS5 – How to blend two pictures together

Tutorial Photoshop CS5 - How to blend two pictures together

Tutorial Photoshop CS5 english – How to fade two images together – this video show how to change background to a photo and combine two pictures making the pi…
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16 responses to “Tutorial Photoshop CS5 – How to blend two pictures together”

  1. ikko salvador says:

    umm i dont get it

  2. katrien46 says:

    thanks i have written it down…awesome help and tip and video..thanks myrrah…..

  3. ydolem85 says:

    Thanks for this video. Simple and easy to understand. Kudos for you.

  4. tbate54 says:

    Thanks mate – nice and short video that does the job well. Keep it up!

  5. art music says:

    i want to compose two images and merge them so they blend together. One of them I want to be see through, so transparent. How do I do this?


  6. Nasreen begam says:

    superb………thank u jazakallah

  7. usman gujrati says:

    nice work :)

  8. Yon Daime says:

    ur beautiful

  9. myrrah says:

    search 113865697116 on google

  10. sammy farrugia says:

    how to get the sky image??

  11. Ophir K says:

    can you give me a link to download Photoshop CS5 or CS6?

  12. Mystery warriors says:

    check it out !!


  13. Dang Abraham says:

    does it work on porn?

  14. Minh Bui says:

    Very good demonstration! Thank you Myrrah.

  15. deividplanet says:

    muy bueno

  16. Abdulraman Mohamed says:


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