Fashion illustration – Part 1

Fashion illustration - Part 1

Ralph Pink explains CAD or fashion illustration….. Learn how to produce stunning, professional Garment illustrations or “flats” using Adobe Illustrator. Le…
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6 responses to “Fashion illustration – Part 1”

  1. berra er says:

    hi do you know where i can find basic blueprints for clothing just so that I can throw it onto illustrator and add to it?

  2. pradakill1 says:

    What program do you use?

  3. TJ C says:

    I just left a similar comment on another video! Most of flats I saw in youtube are no good! But this is very nice!

  4. Zissou1107 says:


    Thanks for sharing. All of the flats here in you tube look really rubbish!
    Yours are pretty the same like mine.
    Could you show us how you do the shading?
    The video stops at this point 🙁

  5. A07392115 says:


  6. A07392115 says:

    ralph u have really helped me thru my fop thanks!!

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