Make a Field of Particles (No Plugins Needed) | After Effects Tutorial

Eli is BACK and today he shows you how to create a field of particles within After Effects without the use of 3rd Party Plugins! =) New Gaming Video: http://…
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Video tutorial posted 21/08/13
Category: After Effects Tutorials

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really cool tutorial, thanks a lot guy !
but it ‘s gonna much much better if you just do it and STFU :))))))))
BTW where can i get the music in the outro?
i love the part: “once you’re done crying for such beauty”
Buy After Effects… Lol
while ramp is used, i changed the language and its called “verlauf”
Rampe, Auffahrt, Schwelle? via Google Translate
does anybody know what the effect “ramp” is called in german?
hey Eli, i don`t have the CC particle world,only particle playground, what can i do?
love ur desktop and nice tut
U’ve got STYLE man i like it… Definitely like and suscribe and Y NO SHARE!! 😉
Thanks for taking the time to do these tutorials. They’re very easy to follow and help a lot!
it doesn’t cost you any money … after you buy after effects :p
you have a similar background to the people over at baka arts. do you by chance ever work with them?
The video you made got so much SWAG.
Song of the Intro? Google translation, sorry
Hey there @ChChCheckItsClan I just wanted to do a really cool glowing lines effect but don’t know how to could you please make a video and demonstrate on how to make the glowing lines effect and a bit advanced at it so the back lines don’t show.. suppose consider a foot and the lines as a snake.. and wrapped around the foot I want to see from the front side and not the back lines of the you understand me man.? I really wanna learn this. Cheers mate. !
hd desktop
Eli, how to made that gadgets for your desktop?
Soy tu fans an que no ablo ingles miro tus videos
Hi Eli,
I am having a bit of trouble right at the end. When I go draw my circle and hold shift I do not get a perfect circle. Instead I get a elongated oval. Even when I go to the size and make width and hight equal I still get a oval.
Thanks -Alpha