Easy Photoshop Tutorial: Glowing Scanlines Text Effect (Army of TWO hilight effect)

Easy Photoshop Tutorial: Glowing Scanlines Text Effect (Army of TWO hilight effect)

This tutorial shows you how to get a “glowing scanlines” effect and apply it to type and shapes. Takes about 10 minutes. As seen in the menus of the new Army…
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17 responses to “Easy Photoshop Tutorial: Glowing Scanlines Text Effect (Army of TWO hilight effect)”

  1. sivko23 says:

    Evan if i was a woman i would marry you…. everything about this video is great first your friendly laid back voice and funny laughter at the end , quality of advice packed in this short video , not wasting time with any pee pause or nonsense you can see in other videos, Evan you are one hell of a teacher.

  2. 13Rec13 says:

    Thanks so much its awesome me learning from you 🙂

  3. TheTransferOfAids says:

    Any one else having issues to get the scan lines to work wit the mask?

  4. BADblueRANGER says:

    what did photoshop used to be called

  5. Juan Carlos Servin says:

    help!!!! i am in min 5:11 and my texts is like with blue spots!!!

  6. CantStopSandman says:

    where did you get cod4 font?

  7. I AM A GAMER says:

    i found one who is almost the same on dafont.com its called spy agency.

  8. TheGamesHawk says:

    sumin called a rubber

  9. WickedHashbrowns says:

    Evan, you are awesome,

  10. XeraaDesigns says:

    This is just like the cod4 text, but yellow obviously 🙂 nice tut, great as usual 🙂

  11. FahadProductions says:

    Can you make a video on how to make a good youtube picture?

  12. Jonathan Freeman says:

    I’ve been with Photoshop since it wasn’t called photoshop and was being developed for the Abyss movie…and even I learn new things from watching your videos Evan! 🙂 You’re a real talent!

  13. Entissus says:

    Thank you every so much for all the tutorials and aid mate; it has helped me IMMENSELY.

  14. LeechyGaming says:

    When i added the scanlines it was black & white unlike yours where you can see a bit of the background

  15. BiTechGaming says:

    Supper useful
    I even made my background using this tecnique

  16. TheMediumGamers says:

    Evan do you think you could try and do a battlefield one I really want to no how to do that

  17. LeechyGaming says:

    Hey evan do you use an angle brush when you draw??

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