Illustrator Tutorial Floral, Swirl, Ornaments, Butterfly

Tutorial in Adobe Illustrator CS6 If you want to know how to create the brushes for this video, look at this video tutorial: BUTTERFLY –….
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Video tutorial posted 07/10/14
Category: Illustrator Tutorials

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Dear BonFire110.
You have to edit the properties of the brush. Double-click on the brush.
There you need to adjust the method to colorize. Check out my video
tutorial “Create your own brushes in Adobe Illustrator” in the timeline
exactly at 07:38. Follow the link above in the description of this video.
I can not find the video how to make a butterfly. I really love your
Damn ! It’s awesome ! Thank you !
Can you tell me what is the name of the very first brush you use? I cannot
find it in my loaded brushes.
please add some naration in your tutorial video, like what button you
click, what menu to open, what to do first. you cannot say you give a
tutorial without a sound
not bad
thank you
ah sir… can u pls upload your brush file… it really really looks gud.
Cool can you send me video by email thanks
Dear Dagubi! Please tell me how can I recolor Art and Scatter brushes I
created. I tried to change their color but they remain default black as I
created them. I don’t feel like to Expand the brush strokes because I lose
editable availablity.
I wish we could here what you’re doing.
Why do some people not talk on these videos??? is it about educating or
showing how good you are??? The days of silent movies are long gone, in
case you didn’t know!!!
Steady hand, for sure….
but can you explain things?
I am not able to hear the instructor on your video. Please advise.
thank you for this video
nice tuts