How to Greenscreen in iMovie 10 (2013)

How to  Greenscreen in iMovie 10 (2013)

Green Screen 101 Get your FREE Mobile Video Production Guide This tutorial will tea…
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12 responses to “How to Greenscreen in iMovie 10 (2013)”

  1. Missinternetgeek says:

    You saved my time and life !!! Thank you 

  2. ReverseCycoIogy says:

    what if you accidentally put the vid at the bottom and the background on
    top, is there a way to switch them without restarting? ty

  3. xXQueenXx says:

    thank you sooo much!!

  4. Andrew Bell says:

    I’m having an issue with the transition. Any suggestions? I have my
    background but I can’t get the separate clips to transition. 

  5. gta4roof says:

    thanks man

  6. Emily Morris says:

    thanks so much!!!!!

  7. Rob Groves says:

    Really useful, thank you very much.

  8. Arthur von Zuben Checchinato says:

    Thanks man

  9. elmotivoso85 says:

    Gracias more

  10. AJAnimeFiery says:

    Thank you so much!

  11. Maria LOL says:

    Oh my gosh! Thank you very much! This video is so helpful!

  12. Trym Gudvangen says:

    Thanks it really helped!

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