HTML Tutorial: Coding a Website in Notepad

HTML Tutorial: Coding a Website in Notepad

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14 responses to “HTML Tutorial: Coding a Website in Notepad”

  1. Animal_Dude12 Minecrafter says:

    thats all i kown of coding the web and i kown all that

  2. SibingOutLoud says:

    it doesn’t come up with my body title on my browser firefox when i open it

  3. GostyTheZombie says:

    Thanks This Is Cool

  4. Xvinfajtr says:

    nothing happens when i open my browser

  5. J.B. Odonkor says:

    HTML Tutorial: Coding a Website in Notepad

  6. Ray5404 says:

    lol like if hear H tim L

  7. Haley Parker says:

    Thank you so much it helped me a lot I Can do my exam tomorrow with
    confidence :)) Thanks again

  8. Mark Rodriguez says:

    I did it but I do not see anything can you help me please

  9. H tim L says:

    awesome but i dont have an option to save it in all files 🙁 only 4
    options, anyone know how i can save in all options

  10. oneof5billion says:

    you forgot the doctype statement

  11. EANMinecraft says:


  12. Moldycrap says:

    how do u indent

  13. BBC600 says:

    Oh My Gosh I DID IT!

  14. aguzman2011 says:

    i hate how this guy says “HTML”

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