After Effects Tutorial: 3D Laser Effect

After Effects Tutorial: 3D Laser Effect

After Effects Tutorial: 3D Laser Effect After Effects Tutorial: Laser Effect In this tutorial I will show you how to create a 3D laser using After Effects an…
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23 responses to “After Effects Tutorial: 3D Laser Effect”

  1. Rustique Studiø says:

    I cant listen to him. Sound like cumdrinking its so nasty!

  2. tunnelviziontv says:

    haha thank you!!! More coming soon 😉

  3. EdneyMaximun says:

    More tutorials plz, you are awesome!!!

  4. tlewisminecraft12083 says:

    dude im a noob in after effects, and when i use camera, it doesnt move until i release it! How can i make it move with the camera?

  5. tlewisminecraft12083 says:

    I cant wait to do this AFTER AE IS FINISHED DOWNLOADING

  6. muhammad arwani says:

    perlu di coba

  7. JollyDangerous says:

    So how would you go about putting the laser in your actual footage and move it around like in the example?

  8. parkourkinsale says:

    thanks brew best tutorials i have found 🙂

  9. natureshotschannel says:


    Thanks for uploading!


    (or click my name)


  10. ForFreeOrForThree says:


  11. hyperdrivepics says:

    Love it! I’ve been wanting to do a Special Beam Cannon for awhile now, and this is perfect to do it with!

  12. tunnelviziontv says:

    lol who is baker!?!

  13. tunnelviziontv says:

    Thank you man!! More coming 🙂

  14. Huzaifax says:

    Tutorials are quick and easy to follow love them

  15. ShayanAli999 says:

    great videos, i subbed.
    can u make a tutorial for the gunfire effect??

  16. slykuiper says:

    Great tutorial. I followed most of it and explored a bit more myself, and ended up making a music video for my friend Jusmi.
    Please check it out 🙂 /watch?v=mZW-R9ysg8E

  17. Evan Kerr says:

    Great videos, but I don’t have aftereffects. But if I do get it, I’ll watch these videos.

  18. Bilbo Baggins says:

    Can you do this with AE CS4?

  19. Brian Michael says:

    can’t wait to see what stuff you come out with!

  20. tunnelviziontv says:

    yes please!! 🙂

  21. tunnelviziontv says:

    thank you!!!

  22. tunnelviziontv says:

    thanks for the sub - and thanks for watching!

  23. CapturedFX says:

    Nice tut! check out our dubstep laser video! 🙂

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