Dreamweaver Tutorial: Adding Background Music To Your Website

Dreamweaver Tutorial: Adding Background Music To Your Website

Today we’re going to be taking a look at adding background music to your website using Adobe Dreamweaver. Click to tweet this video: http://octotw.it/c8757 I…
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14 responses to “Dreamweaver Tutorial: Adding Background Music To Your Website”

  1. samuraigurl21 says:

    The music plays when I preview it in a browser but when I check on my actual browser no music plays. Any idea why this is happening?

  2. Naufal Sallehin says:

    I noticed that you didn’t put this in your main.dwt. Fine and fair enough since i keep getting a freaking Unbalanced #Endededitable error for God knows why. So I observed and I saw you distinctly putting it in your index.htm. Still, even when I emulate that particular step and pasting the code into the index page, I STILL cannot play my music. #Whatsupwiththat

  3. Sunil Chauhan says:

    Hey octotus
     it works when i put source to a folder in my computer but when i give source as the hosting for the music it does not play …. instead i am prompted to download the file
    please suggest what to do

  4. Laura Charlton says:

    wait what?

  5. Fish Ero says:

    how do you get the link to ur music?

  6. AndiieTee says:

    thats so weird it worked once.. and then stopped 🙁

  7. AndiieTee says:

    Yayyy :D


    how do u link ur muisc?

  9. Miglink1234 says:

    hey there! when i change from page to page the music stops…. and if i insert the music link-and-the-code on every page, it repeats over and over again…….. what can i do so the music stays and doesnt repeat everytime i change the page?……..help?

  10. kayla lilley says:

    thanx now i can finish my hunger games website!!!!!!!!

  11. Drelovesyou1 says:

    Now I Seen On The Video That You Had Converted the Audio Too A Html Fille How Did You Do That?

  12. LtcdanProduction says:

    I’m using a mac and i made a song. can i drag the song file into the code?

  13. kevintone says:

    Can i put more than a 1 link? like a playlist

  14. anthonyontherocks says:

    Can I use a YOUTUBE video link to get the sound I want????????

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