How To Create a Website – Free Web Tutorials and Beyond

How To Create a Website - Free Web Tutorials and Beyond

How to Create a Website | How to Start a Website. – If this is your first time here. Welcome! This is a perfect place for you to get started. In this section, I will guide you to start your own website in just five minutes using an open source platform called WordPress. WordPress is a free web software that allows you to create and start a beautiful website and blog for free. The reason that I like WordPress is the amount of support that is available from the WordPress community. The software itself is built by hundreds of community volunteers meaning that if you have should need anything, help or have any questions you are guarantee to find answers. There are thousands of plugins and themes available to transform your website into anything you can imagine. Google loves WordPress and crawls through it often meaning that your site will get quick ranking on search engines so people could find you when they are searching. Most importantly, it is very easy to install, use and maintain. I have been using WordPress for about 5 years now and it has been working well for my business. 3 Easy Steps to Start a Website It’s Easy As… 1 Find a Web Host — Get a domain name and hosting 2 Install WordPress 3 Starting Building Site Step 1. Get A Domain name — To start creating your website, the first thing you would need is to get a domain name whether its a personal, niche site, blog, or commercial, Basically, it is a name you want to give to your website. For example, this website’s
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7 responses to “How To Create a Website – Free Web Tutorials and Beyond”

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